Black-hole Writing

Greetings fellow bloggers!

On today’s post I will be sharing some of my black-hole writing!

These are my two favorite show don’t tell sentences:

Dark grey clouds blanketed the sky like a hose water sprayed heavily against the outside of the building.Β 

Bling! He landed on the warmest mud ever with a bright light shiningΒ  on him. He was happy until 
he realized, wait a minute, this isn’t mud…

Do you think I did a good job in the show don’t tell aspect of the writing.

We did this writing off of a short clip of a man putting his hand inside a black-hole after printing it on a piece of paper.

Blog you later,

One thought on “Black-hole Writing

  1. Kia ora Maddy its Dev from rm 23 your sentences are good and i think u just need to describe them more when u post anyways have a nice day blog u later

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